Beneficial Electrification in Action
Beneficial electrification â transitioning end-uses powered by fossil fuels to electricity in circumstances where certain benefits are achieved â is a major trend that is accelerating in energy markets across the world.Â

Efficiency Vermont: Heating Electrification Program and Flexible Load Management Pilot
Vermont’s cold winters, old building stock, and high cost of fuel oil and propane contribute significantly to its high energy burden, ranging from 6-20% of household income, according to a 2019 study. Efficiency Vermont’s energy efficiency programs help ease this high burden.

Electrification of Transportation in Colorado
Colorado has prioritized a top to bottom strategy, utilizing the executive branch, the legislature, utilities and their regulators, as well as regional partners, to create a multi-pronged approach to reduce emissions through transportation electrification.

Demand Response at Portland General Electric
Portland has an aggressive goal of achieving 100% renewable electricity by 2035. Achieving this will require much higher levels of demand response (DR) participation, which is why the Oregon Public Utility Commission directed the city’s utility, Portland General Electric (PGE), to acquire new DR resources.

National Association of State Energy Officials Joint Task Force on Comprehensive Electricity Planning
The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) convened a joint task force on comprehensive electricity planning.

Beneficial Electrification through the Efficiency Maine Trust
In Maine, winters are long and cold, and 62% of heating uses costly and polluting #2 fuel oil. In 2013, the Efficiency Maine Trust (EMT) kickstarted a program to incentivize high-performance, mini-split ductless heat pumps and, a few years later, heat pump water heaters.

NODES Independent Marketplace in Europe for Trading Decentralized Flexibility and Energy
To effectively promote flexible beneficial electrification, it is necessary for the benefits of this technology to be valued in the marketplace.
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